Did you see this week’s video walkthrough?
This week’s walkthrough on YouTube focused on how to reorder your experience section on LinkedIn. If you have multiple current experiences on LinkedIn, you have the ability to reorder them by order of importance. For example, if you have a side business in addition to your full-time job, both will be present experiences. You may want to promote one over the other based on your strategy or goals on LinkedIn.
Follow along below or watch the video above to learn how to reorder your experience section on LinkedIn.

The first step is to open LinkedIn and go to your profile. Click Me at the top right of your homepage.

When the dropdown appears, click View Profile.

Scroll down to your experience section, you can only reorder current positions. You will see here I am going to move my role at Intero above my advising role at Tetra Candles. Hover above the pencil and you’ll see three lines.

Click and drag the three lines above or below the position you would like to be at the top.

Scroll up and your other position should now be first.

You will see that my past experience does not even give me the option of the three lines. LinkedIn has all of their experience listed chronologically so you can only reorder your current roles. That’s it, you’re done!
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