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The Value of LinkedIn for College Students and Recent Grads

Have you stumbled upon this post as a student looking to finally figure out LinkedIn as you make...

LinkedIn Publishing Platform — Now for Everyone

When I read that LinkedIn was rolling out its publishing platform to all of its members, I was...

Organize Your LinkedIn Network COI Connections, Pt 2

In Part 1 of this two-part post, I shared how to identify your LinkedIn network centers of...

Posting Only Original Content — a 45-Day Experiment

I like patterns and observations, the ones you see pretty quickly, the ones that are a shout-out...

Search Your LinkedIn Network for Centers of Influence, Pt 1

Who are the natural connectors in your LinkedIn network? Who are the centers of influence (COIs)...

More LinkedIn Apps ― CardMunch and Pulse

Last week we took a look at ways to use your LinkedIn apps on your tablet and phone, what works...

Using Your LinkedIn Apps ― What You Need To Know, Part 1

We all know mobile is changing faster than we can keep up with, and certainly faster than we can...

Your LinkedIn Success Story | Reconnecting and Re-engaging

Building your network with new connections is important. Equally important though, is engaging...

Use Your Network to Maximize Your LinkedIn Job Search, Part 3

Over the last couple of weeks, we covered a lot of ground for setting the stage for an effective...