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The 5.4 People You Need to Know

If it’s true that, on average, business decisions include up to 5.4 people it’s crucial that your...

Elevate: A New LinkedIn Platform Coming Soon

Lately I feel as though LinkedIn updates have been coming in at the blink of an eye. I must say I...

Stop Connecting with the CEO

I am all about social selling and understand its benefits, how it works and why it can’t be...

In Need of a Creative Boost?

Can we all just agree that the months of January and February are a total bummer? This winter was...

Supercharge your Conference Experience

Everyone gets excited when the conference registrations pop into your inbox (or mailbox) inviting...

Sidd Finch and Your LinkedIn Profile

Last night I watched ESPN’s 30 for 30 Shorts: Unhittable: Sidd Finch and the Tibetan Fastball. As I...

New Location: Managing Your LinkedIn Account

Our first pit stop in LinkedIn when we begin working with our clients is LinkedIn’s Privacy &...

Take a Stand on Sales

I recently interviewed several members of a law firm as part of building their LinkedIn profiles. I...

Formatting Content for LinkedIn

As a company or business, a primary marketing goal is to position your brand in a way that...