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The Most Important 2000 Characters on Your LinkedIn Profile

Billboard, bio or book.

Living The Dream Is Not Just A Cliché

Living The Dream Is Not Just A Cliché

I have a client or two that always answers the question, “How are you?” with one of my favorite...

Are You Sure Your Content is Share-Worthy?

Today, focus on only share-worthy content. In my last post, Your “Like” is Not So Inspiring, I...

The Challenge of Having a Growth Mindset

After playing volleyball for 13 years, I found myself yearning for a way for me to give back all of...

Getting the Most Out of Your LinkedIn InMail Messages

Getting the Most Out of Your LinkedIn InMail Messages

LinkedIn InMail messages have been getting a lot of airtime recently. From webinars to ebooks to A...

Your “Like” is Not So Inspiring

I think I should just say it no matter how ghastly it sounds to all the social media-ists and...

Do You Actually Receive Value From LinkedIn?

Do You Actually Receive Value From LinkedIn?

After listening to How Slack Leverages Freemium to Add $1M in New Contract every 11 Days I...

The Dreaded Cover Letter

Writing cover letters can be really challenging. I have an interesting vantage point because I am...

Your LinkedIn Glossary

As users of LinkedIn every single day, for several hours a day, we at Intero are so used to some...