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Supercharge your Conference Experience

Everyone gets excited when the conference registrations pop into your inbox (or mailbox) inviting...

Take a Stand on Sales

I recently interviewed several members of a law firm as part of building their LinkedIn profiles. I...

Women — Why Your Brand Matters

I love to stop at airport stores and choose a random selection of magazines for my flight. I found...

Attention. You’re More Transparent.

LinkedIn’s recent Profile updates increase visibility for people and companies. People, by nature,...

She’s Attractive—Connect. Accept.

She’s attractive, stylish and sophisticated. She’s intelligent, she’s educated, she serves her...

Tune in on LinkedIn


How do Your Employees Look?

It’s review time. If you have colleagues or employees on LinkedIn, it’s time to understand LinkedIn...

CEO Push Back

This week I had opportunity to host a LinkedIn workshop for 17 CEOs. These CEOs lead companies in a...

Beware of Bad Headlines

The headline is the most important part of the story. In fact, statistics say that on average, 8...