Glassdoor purports to be a free jobs-and-career community that “offers the world an inside look at jobs and companies.” Its employee-generated content can include anonymous salaries, company reviews, interview questions, and more, which gets posted by employees, job seekers, and occasionally by the companies themselves. Similar sites include JobVent,, PayScale, Telanu. There are definitely more on the horizon.
These types of sties and social networking site have brought to light a problem that didn’t exist years ago: What do you do if current and former employees are venting with negative Glassdoor reviews or similar comments on other public sites? Last week I saw someone I used to work with use a social networking site to slam that business.
Be transparent. Don’t rush to share that there might be negative comments on these sites, but if a candidate brings up something that they’ve seen, address it head on. Explain why the comments are there (perhaps there was a merger, always difficult; hyper-growth–growing pains actually do hurt; new ownership or management; economy, probably the number one reason). Human Resources and corporate recruiters need to be up-to-date and prepared to speak honestly and openly.
Remember passive candidates are vetting companies and their employees differently than someone who has been out of work for six months. It’s probably the passive candidates who will bring it up. Be ready.
Recognize the fringe factor. These sites are anonymous, of course, and they often support only a small percentage view and that needs to be considered in context. Keep up what you are doing. A few negative comments will not outweigh and overall positive. If a large majority wave of negative commentary shows up, you probably have a bigger problem that you already know about anyway.
Build out your employment brand. The message you create for recruiting is as important as your marketing brand. I will even make the argument they are one in the same.
Build up what you can control and manage your organization’s online presence.
You need to be aware, prepared and realistic about the comments and how long it may take to lessen their impact. Get moving in the right direction with a plan and the right people to bring it to fruition. LinkedIn’s Employment Branding Playbook is a great place to begin. Need more insight? Let us know.